2015-01-18 - Sligo Creek Shuffle


~10.7 miles @ ~11.4 min/mi

"It's a three-day weekend — it's silly to get angry!" Amy says as we begin our trek to the music of cars honking at each other. We're on dual missions: to drop off my son's mail, and to give Amy some tempo mileage in preparation for a multi-stage ultra-relay in a few months. Our pace is brisk but conversational.

Fog replaces rain and temps are in the low 40s, so no jackets needed this afternoon. Geese feed on the infield at a Wheaton Regional Park ballfield. Traffic lines up to reach the skating rinks and tennis bubbles. Icy patches in shaded spots impose occasional walk breaks along Sligo Creek. Amy logs ~8.9 miles, with faster splits sub-11 min/mi and overall average well under 12. We vary our route slightly on the return journey to make a prettier trackfile. Runkeeper records route.

^z - 2015-02-07